Berkeley DB
version 4.7.25

Class StoreConfig

  extended by com.sleepycat.persist.StoreConfig
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StoreConfig
extends Object
implements Cloneable

Configuration properties used with an EntityStore or RawStore.

StoreConfig objects are thread-safe. Multiple threads may safely call the methods of a shared StoreConfig object.

See the package summary example for an example of using a StoreConfig.

Field Summary
static StoreConfig DEFAULT
          The default store configuration containing properties as if the configuration were constructed and not modified.
Constructor Summary
          Creates an entity store configuration object with default properties.
Method Summary
 StoreConfig cloneConfig()
          Returns a shallow copy of the configuration.
 boolean getAllowCreate()
          Returns whether creation of a new store is allowed.
 DatabaseNamer getDatabaseNamer()
          Returns the object reponsible for naming of files and databases.
 boolean getExclusiveCreate()
          Returns whether opening an existing store is prohibited.
 EntityModel getModel()
          Returns the entity model that defines entity classes and index keys.
 Mutations getMutations()
          Returns the configured mutations for performing lazy evolution of stored instances.
 boolean getReadOnly()
          Returns the read-only configuration property.
 boolean getSecondaryBulkLoad()
          Returns the bulk-load-secondaries configuration property.
 boolean getTransactional()
          Returns the transactional configuration property.
 void setAllowCreate(boolean allowCreate)
          Specifies whether creation of a new store is allowed.
 void setDatabaseNamer(DatabaseNamer databaseNamer)
          Specifies the object reponsible for naming of files and databases.
 void setExclusiveCreate(boolean exclusiveCreate)
          Specifies whether opening an existing store is prohibited.
 void setModel(EntityModel model)
          Sets the entity model that defines entity classes and index keys.
 void setMutations(Mutations mutations)
          Configures mutations for performing lazy evolution of stored instances.
 void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
          Sets the read-only configuration property.
 void setSecondaryBulkLoad(boolean secondaryBulkLoad)
          Sets the bulk-load-secondaries configuration property.
 void setTransactional(boolean transactional)
          Sets the transactional configuration property.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final StoreConfig DEFAULT
The default store configuration containing properties as if the configuration were constructed and not modified.

Constructor Detail


public StoreConfig()
Creates an entity store configuration object with default properties.

Method Detail


public StoreConfig cloneConfig()
Returns a shallow copy of the configuration.


public void setAllowCreate(boolean allowCreate)
Specifies whether creation of a new store is allowed. By default this property is false.

If this property is false and the internal store metadata database does not exist, DatabaseException will be thrown when the store is opened.


public boolean getAllowCreate()
Returns whether creation of a new store is allowed.


public void setExclusiveCreate(boolean exclusiveCreate)
Specifies whether opening an existing store is prohibited. By default this property is false.

If this property is true and the internal store metadata database already exists, DatabaseException will be thrown when the store is opened.


public boolean getExclusiveCreate()
Returns whether opening an existing store is prohibited.


public void setTransactional(boolean transactional)
Sets the transactional configuration property. By default this property is false.

This property is true to open all store indices for transactional access. True may not be specified if the environment is not also transactional.


public boolean getTransactional()
Returns the transactional configuration property.


public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
Sets the read-only configuration property. By default this property is false.

This property is true to open all store indices for read-only access, or false to open them for read-write access. False may not be specified if the environment is read-only.


public boolean getReadOnly()
Returns the read-only configuration property.


public void setSecondaryBulkLoad(boolean secondaryBulkLoad)
Sets the bulk-load-secondaries configuration property. By default this property is false.

This property is true to cause the initial creation of secondary indices to be performed as a bulk load. If this property is true and EntityStore.getSecondaryIndex has never been called for a secondary index, that secondary index will not be created or written as records are written to the primary index. In addition, if that secondary index defines a foreign key constraint, the constraint will not be enforced.

The secondary index will be populated later when the {code getSecondaryIndex} method is called for the first time for that index, or when the store is closed and re-opened with this property set to false and the primary index is obtained. In either case, the secondary index is populated by reading through the entire primary index and adding records to the secondary index as needed. While populating the secondary, foreign key constraints will be enforced and an exception is thrown if a constraint is violated.

When loading a primary index along with secondary indexes from a large input data set, configuring a bulk load of the secondary indexes is sometimes more performant than updating the secondary indexes each time the primary index is updated. The absence of foreign key constraints during the load also provides more flexibility.


public boolean getSecondaryBulkLoad()
Returns the bulk-load-secondaries configuration property.


public void setModel(EntityModel model)
Sets the entity model that defines entity classes and index keys.

If null is specified or this method is not called, an AnnotationModel instance is used by default.


public EntityModel getModel()
Returns the entity model that defines entity classes and index keys.


public void setMutations(Mutations mutations)
Configures mutations for performing lazy evolution of stored instances. Existing mutations for this store are not cleared, so the mutations required are only those changes that have been made since the store was last opened. Some new mutations may override existing specifications, and some may be supplemental.

If null is specified and the store already exists, the previously specified mutations are used. The mutations are stored persistently in serialized form.

Mutations must be available to handle all changes to classes that are incompatible with the class definitions known to this store. See Mutations and Class Evolution for more information.

If an incompatible class change has been made and mutations are not available for handling the change, IncompatibleClassException will be thrown when creating an EntityStore.


public Mutations getMutations()
Returns the configured mutations for performing lazy evolution of stored instances.


public void setDatabaseNamer(DatabaseNamer databaseNamer)
Specifies the object reponsible for naming of files and databases. By default this property is DatabaseNamer.DEFAULT.

NullPointerException - if a null parameter value is passed.


public DatabaseNamer getDatabaseNamer()
Returns the object reponsible for naming of files and databases.

Berkeley DB
version 4.7.25

Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.