Berkeley DB
version 4.7.25

Class Converter

  extended by com.sleepycat.persist.evolve.Mutation
      extended by com.sleepycat.persist.evolve.Converter
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Converter
extends Mutation

A mutation for converting an old version of an object value to conform to the current class or field definition. For example:

  package my.package;

  // The old class.  Version 0 is implied.
  class Person {
      // ...

  // The new class.  A new version number must be assigned.
  class Person {
      // Incompatible changes were made here...

  // Add a converter mutation.
  Mutations mutations = new Mutations();

  mutations.addConverter(new Converter(Person.class.getName(), 0,
                                       new MyConversion()));

  // Configure the mutations as described here.

See Conversion for more information.

See Also:
Class Evolution, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Converter(String className, int classVersion, Conversion conversion)
          Creates a mutation for converting all instances of the given class version to the current version of the class.
Converter(String declaringClassName, int declaringClassVersion, String fieldName, Conversion conversion)
          Creates a mutation for converting all values of the given field in the given class version to a type compatible with the current declared type of the field.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object other)
          Returns true if the conversion objects are equal in this object and given object, and if the Mutation.equals(java.lang.Object) superclass method returns true.
 Conversion getConversion()
          Returns the converter instance specified to the constructor.
 int hashCode()
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class com.sleepycat.persist.evolve.Mutation
getClassName, getClassVersion, getFieldName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Converter(String className,
                 int classVersion,
                 Conversion conversion)
Creates a mutation for converting all instances of the given class version to the current version of the class.


public Converter(String declaringClassName,
                 int declaringClassVersion,
                 String fieldName,
                 Conversion conversion)
Creates a mutation for converting all values of the given field in the given class version to a type compatible with the current declared type of the field.

Method Detail


public Conversion getConversion()
Returns the converter instance specified to the constructor.


public boolean equals(Object other)
Returns true if the conversion objects are equal in this object and given object, and if the Mutation.equals(java.lang.Object) superclass method returns true.

equals in class Mutation


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Mutation


public String toString()
toString in class Mutation

Berkeley DB
version 4.7.25

Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.